We the PCOS was founded to be an inspiration and helping hand to women with PCOS who want to lose fat, get fit, and achieve their most audacious goals! We’re not here to sell you supplements or false hope. It takes a lot of hard work, planning, and most of all, commitment to succeed with this condition. But you CAN do it. We the PCOS is here to help.

Karen is responsible for all the creative at We the PCOS, including all social platforms and web content. She writes our blog, tries all the recipes and has managed her PCOS for the last 30 years. When she’s not doing our SEO, she runs a bed & breakfast.

Anke is our PCOS training guru. She has written all our workouts and personally demonstrates each movement in the We the PCOS app. When she’s not answering all our many questions, she improves the world as a personal trainer.